Why? • The Lakewood Restrictive Practice Policy was Developed to provide an improved quality assurance process
for monitoring and reviewing the use of restrictive practices across the Lakewood Centre
• Provided clear guidance for staff in regards to what is restrictive practice and how to promote an environment
where the least restrictive action was taken for the least amount of time
How? • Review of feedback from RQIA inspections and audit of incidents across the Lakewood Centre informed the
Restrictive Practice policy task and finish group
• The policy was co-produced with the working group and consultation sought from the Region
What? • The Lakewood Restrictive Practice Policy is now in final draft and ready for review by the Executive
Management team. The policy provides updated recording processes and an improved quality assurance
• New processes and interventions in place to promote open and transparent practice
Reducing the use of restrictive practices through promoting
A safe and therapeutic environment