• Evaluation findings from participants published by Project ECHO NI in July 2021 included:
• 90% agreed or strongly agreed that ECHO helped to support the adaptation of their practice during the COVID pandemic
• 90% agreed that ECHO helped improve their confidence in keeping up-to-date with evolving guidelines, processes and changes
during the Pandemic
• 76% agreed or strongly agreed that ECHO supported their quality of practice and care to patients/services during the pandemic
• 86% agreed that ECHO was either very or extremely helpful compared to other online and virtual approaches to learning that
they may have encountered during the course of the pandemic
• In relation to participation in the network supporting personal/professional wellbeing during COVID-86% agreed or strongly
agreed it helped to build their confidence, 76% agreed or strongly agreed it helped them cope emotionally and build resilience,
67% agreed or strongly agreed that it helped reduce isolation and 86% agreed or strongly agreed it provided peer support
• 95% agreed that the quality of the education was high to very high
• 81% agreed that they have applied knowledge gained through the ECHO network and applied it in their practice
• 95% agreed or strongly agreed that participation in this ECHO network has helped them to feel more supported in their role
• 95% would recommend ECHO as a useful learning tool to others
• 100% of participants would like to participate in this network again
• 90% of participants agreed they have shared ECHO learning with other members of staff or service