Research Protocol
1. A clear search question and focus that is specific to resilience in social work education relating to practitioner and student wellbeing and coping was defined.
2. Scope the literature initially.
3. Criteria for exclusion and inclusion.
4. The use of relevant electronic databases where identified.
5. A search structure and concepts, terms and grouping considered that will best answer the research question.
6. Repeatable search formula for database searching.
7. The same filters and formula, syntax, Boolean operators, proximity operators, index terms and concepts (where possible) used
on each database to ensure consistency.
8. Formulas used on all databases and the searches of each databases saved and recorded with total hits retrieved.
9. The first supervisor and the author appraised the hits and sifted through the literature to discuss and agree inclusion or
10. A list of all retrieved relevant items was created and duplicates removed by hand.
11. Items retrieved by hand searching recorded.
12. Sensitivity was calculated by relevant database hits divided by relevant hits from all databases (McFadden et al., 2012)
13. Precision was calculated by relevant database hits divided by total database hits (McFadden et al., 2012).
14. To address overlap between databases, and the relevance of using a specific database, the number of unique relevant items
were calculated for each database (McFadden et al., 2012).