Stress in Final Year
• Amount of work required in final
• Balancing Case work with work
set by Practice Teacher and
University assignments
• Impact on home and family life
• Financial difficulties and having
to work part-time
"I feel very stressed with the amount of work expected
to complete throughout final placement including 3
comprehensive Tuning in and evaluations alongside
the agency documents and reports we do throughout
the day in placement, it is exhausting having to
complete further work at home and it has been difficult
to cope with this impact on family life."
"PLO is very demanding…The PLO requires full
time working and then you are required to do 2
large assignments and work part time (as you have
little or no money) and have family time with your
family as a parent. This is very demanding and
very stressful especially in final year."
"PLO is very demanding…The PLO requires full time working
and then you are required to do 2 large assignments and
work part time (as you have little or no money) and have
family time with your family as a parent. This is very
demanding and very stressful especially in final year."