Research Methods Programme at Ulster University
The course provided by Ulster University and employer organisations
Post-qualifying modules for social workers
Postgraduate modules for service users, carers and others involved in social care
This Programme provides modules designed to develop knowledge and skills relevant to social
work research-related activity and culture in Northern Ireland in support of the Research
Strategy 2020-25 - Research Strategy 2020-25.
Further Information
Publicity was sent to employers in February; information sessions were held in March and April;
nominations are now due for commencement in September 2022. Further information through
your employer's social work training department. Support for service users and carers is
provided by the Health and Social Care Board and voluntary organisations. Information also
from the
University post-qualifying social work office: or for an informal
conversation email:
If you are a carer or service user and have a primary degree and are interested in this research
training opportunity and in supporting social work and social care services and research in
Northern Ireland contact: to discuss as places are limited.
Post Qualifying Social Work
Research Methods Programme provided by
Ulster University and employer organisations
Research and Evaluation Studies Undertaken
2021-2022 as part of the
" Research and Evaluation Methods in
Social Work Module" (SWK 752 Module)