Health inequalities are the unfair and avoidable differences in the
health of people in our society. They are the result of imbalances of
power, wealth and resources and are produced and shaped by
factors such as quality of housing, educational attainment,
employment opportunities, physical environment, access to services
and level of social connections known as the social determinants.
Expansion of Community Development Approaches report; PHA
• Preventable mortality in the most deprived areas in NI was almost three times that in the
least deprived (2015-2019)
• In NI, people at socioeconomic disadvantage suffer a heavier burden of illness and have
higher mortality rates than their better off counterparts
• Medication safety is at population level - everyone is at risk of medication harm
• 50% more prescription items in most deprived compared to least deprived
• Social gradient - risks are higher for vulnerable groups and individuals