Outcomes -
Theme 7
Future BI
Interviewer: "So, can you give any advice for any professionals, like social
workers or carers or support workers or even for family members, if you
were to ever need support again to be helped make a decision?"
Emma: "Just know about the person before you interview them."
Interviewer: "Ok."
Emma: "To see what you're working with."
Interviewer: "Ok, and what about, say for instance, there's another
person who is maybe needing to move home, and their social worker
thinks they need to move on, what would you like that social worker to
do for that person?"
Emma: "Just give them the confidence to move, if that's the best interest
for them."
Interviewer: "And how might they do that, give them confidence?"
Emma: "Maybe talk to the person that they feel comfortable with, and
then they will come and approach you and talk about it. Maybe if they're
friends with someone, you go to that person to talk to them, and talk,
and then they will come to you."