NI policy-influencing priorities for early years: 2016-2022
Foundations of work - NSPCC UK expertise:
The NSPCC 'All Babies Count' Series.
Learning from: NSPCC service development/past services, NSPCC
Local Campaigns work.
Consolidated by local partnership-working:
NSPCC/Public Health Agency (2016) 'Looking After Infant Mental
Health: Our Case for Change'.
NSPCC Perinatal Mental Health Research 2018 - perspectives of
midwives and health visitors - with RCM & CPHVA.
Member of: PHA Infant Mental Health Regional Group; Maternal
Mental Health Alliance (MMHA) Everyone's Business Campaign
Group; Stronger From The Start Alliance.
Using our independence to seek change:
'Fight For A Fair Start'
Policy research.