We were delighted that Aine Morrison, Chief Social Services officer, was able to
spare some time to attend the event. A visual presence and ongoing support
within the Building A Research Community Group by the DoH is very important.
Darren Strawbridge is the DOH representative). Despite challenging financial
circumstances where current funding for the research agenda is limited, this is
nevertheless something that we will keep live on the agenda. Congratulating
the organiser after the event, Aine acknowledged that;
'It was a great event. It was really inspiring and motivating to hear about all the
good work that is going on.'
Our other keynote speaker in the morning was Professor Emeritus Robbie
Gilligan, Trinity College Dublin, who was warmly welcomed by Una Lernihan
from the ten Strategic Planning and Performance Group.
Robbie's presentation entitled the power of research to shine vital new light
on practice and policy challenges: the case of kinship care.
n his presentation, Robbie highlighted the importance of research and reviewed
the recent body of international research on the inner relational world of kinship
care. And how this can better align social work practice and policy with the
needs of children in all forms of kinship care and their carers.