New Postgraduate Course commences at QUB in 2023
A new Postgraduate Diploma in Palliative Care for Social Workers offered by Queen's University
Belfast is commencing September 2023. The course will be delivered part-time and online. The PG
Diploma in Palliative Care will be taught over 2-years (part-time) with the option of exiting after one
year with a PG Certificate in Palliative Care.
The course has been designed to an international standard and is suitable for social workers
employed across a range of settings in adult services. The curriculum content and assessments
are aligned with the Northern Ireland Social Care Council PiP requirements, the HSE Palliative Care
Competence Framework (Social Work) and the EAPC core competencies for palliative care social
work in Europe. Lecturers and facilitators come from a range of backgrounds, who are experts in
their field, including palliative care social work, ethics, CBT, systemic family practice and
A unique aspect of this programme is the fact that lectures, workshops and tutorials will be
delivered online. Assessment will promote opportunities for critical reflection on practice,
regardless of levels of experience and expertise. For further information including admissions
criteria and application, please visit