Building a Research Community in Northern Ireland - an update
Building and maintaining a strong research evidence culture is the ethos around building a
research community in Northern Ireland as highlighted within previous articles.
Commensurate with this agenda, a subgroup was formed, which encompassed a mix of
representation from Organisations across Northern Ireland. The subgroup took part in two
workshops led by Elaine Pollock (South Eastern Trust) which focussed specifically on the
Social Work identity. Colleagues at NISCC helped with facilitation of the workshops by
providing a venue and much needed support. It was a real partnership!
Whilst the first workshop was hampered by the weather and plans to meet face to face
moved to a digital platform, we were spoiled, as the most recent workshop on the 24/02/23
took place in NISCC's new offices in Belfast. This allowed space for reflection with some
interesting ideas and perspectives coming to the fore, such as around staff retention, crossfertilisation across the profession and continuing to grow
our evidence base and educate our
practitioners on the ground.
We hope to bring this work together into the wider Building a Research Community to identify
sub groups to take on specific tasks and to identify further leads within the community to
continue to facilitate workshops. It is this coming together that continues the conversations
and keeps research alive in our profession.
View the updated Term of Reference on the link below:
Terms of Reference Core Group - Building a Research Community - 1 (
'There was a great atmosphere, an
interesting and varied range of
presentations and the birthday cake was
delicious. I have to confess I had two