Forthcoming Conference Call for papers
9th National Child Protection and Welfare Social Work
Conference (SWCONF23)
University College Cork, 26th-27th October 2023
This conference is a collaboration between the @UCCsocialwork, School of Applied Social
Studies, University College Cork,
Tusla, the Child and Family Agency, and the Irish Association of Social Workers
Full details on the call for papers: Closing date:
21st April 2023
The conference and call for papers are open to all disciplines and services.
Follow us on Twitter for updates: @SWCONFUCC
DARE: International Conference on Decisions,
Assessment, Risk and Evidence
SAVE THE DATE - Click on the logo to view the website
Early information re DARE Conference
Next Steps: There are plans afoot to host the biennial conferences on Decisions, Assessment, Risk and
Evidence in Social Work in Zurich University of Applied Sjoel.gautschi@zhaw.chtzerland from 2024. More
details will follow.
Organizer will be: Dr Joel Gautschi (
A huge thank you to Prof.Brian Taylor and Dr Campbell Killick UU for all the years that the Dare Conference
was hosted in Northern Ireland, making it accessible for our practitioners.
The central location of Zurich within Europe, however, provides an excellent opportunity to support European
social work research, teaching and organisation development on these important aspects of social work
practice and service management. We wish the new conference organisers well on this venture.