Our Research Conference also benefited from input from Janice Bailie, Assistant Director in the R
and D Office of the Public Health Agency, who brought us up to date with local and invaluable fournation research. Since our first conference in 2013, we have
maintained very good working relations
with the R and D Division.
See link to presentation
Our celebration's Cotinus with the award ceremony for those who completed the 2022 research
methods Programme at Ulster University (2022).
Dr Campbell Killick and Dr Paula McFadden handed out awards to students, including social work
practitioners and service users and carers across all three, Module One, Module 2 and Module 3.
The Evidence-Informed Professional & Organisation Research & Evaluation Methods in Social
Work MSc
For more information on this programme, see link to
Awardees of Research Methods Course
Year 1 evidence module includes service users/advocates and carers
Carrie Cruikshank, Laura Thomson, Laura King, Katherine Greer, Noel Wilson, Holley Larmour Kate
Havern, Mary Ryan
Year 2 Research and Evaluation
Peter Beck, Scott Fleming, James Laverty
Year 3 complete
Bronagh Hamill, Bill Vail, Emma Richmond, Annie McAnallen, Jillian Morris